setting up your GPS location in your foaf and website
1. find out where you are
if you do not have a GPS mouse or tracker, use, they show the current GPS position somewhere on the page during scrolling.
then enter this here and verify. Then mingle a little with lat/lon until you hit home.
2. Paste to your foaf file:
in the header:
as data:
<geo:point geo:long="7.7667" geo:lat="49.4412"/>
3. upload foaf file
4. add the lat/long to your homepage
<meta name="geo.position" content="49.4412;7.7667">
<meta name="geo.placename" content="Kaiserslautern">
<meta name="geo.region" content="DE-RP">
5. Ping geourl
read this:
then go here:
and enter your web url
6. Enjoy
when everything works, you should go to your foaf explorer and see your homepage as being near you, like here
which leads to a geourl link (below) and other nice map links.
If you installed the firefox nearby plugin then you see cool stuff on the geourl page...
the nearby plugin will open allthegoodness, which is another great site.
if you do not have a GPS mouse or tracker, use, they show the current GPS position somewhere on the page during scrolling.
then enter this here and verify. Then mingle a little with lat/lon until you hit home.
2. Paste to your foaf file:
in the header:
as data:
<geo:point geo:long="7.7667" geo:lat="49.4412"/>
3. upload foaf file
4. add the lat/long to your homepage
<meta name="geo.position" content="49.4412;7.7667">
<meta name="geo.placename" content="Kaiserslautern">
<meta name="geo.region" content="DE-RP">
5. Ping geourl
read this:
then go here:
and enter your web url
6. Enjoy
when everything works, you should go to your foaf explorer and see your homepage as being near you, like here
which leads to a geourl link (below) and other nice map links.
If you installed the firefox nearby plugin then you see cool stuff on the geourl page...
the nearby plugin will open allthegoodness, which is another great site.
leobard - 7. Jun, 18:42
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