Gnowsis Hands-On Workshop in Berlin Dec2005
Again we meet in Berlin to program together a semantic desktop. An event consisting of RDF, Java developing, hacking small demos, drinking, eating, chatting, music, photos, annotation, meeting new people, updating foaf files.
- Date
- 9-13 December 2005
- Place
- Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (HUB ), Campus Adlershof, Rudower Chaussee 25 / Magnusstraße, Room "Humboldt-Kabinett", House 3, Level 1.
- Who
- Anybody who wants to bring the Semantic Web alive on desktop computers
- Leo Sauermann web (DFKI) -- Phone: +49 176 24548974
- Thomas Roth-Berghofer (TU Kaiserslautern/DFKI) web -- Phone: +49 30 205-4820
- Richard Cyganiak web (FU Berlin) -- Phone: +49 175-5630408.
- Renate Zirkelbach (HU Berlin) -- Phone: +49 30 2093-3167
Send an e-mail to Thomas Roth-Berghofer.
Early registration is October 31, 2005
Latest possibly registration: November 18th, 2005
The workshop is restricted to 20 participants, registering early is suggested.
All information is at the official website
leobard - 19. Oct, 18:07
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