the endless problem and backdraw of using iTunes: it mingles up your file folders and contents.
- when I drag a song into iTunes 2 times, there will be a copy of the song in it. Even when they are byte-identical. youaredoomed when importing the same folder twice. I think this is fixed in the latest version.
- when I remove a song from itunes and FORGET to press that "delete it" button there will be corpses of unused songs in my iTunes library-graveyard.
- when I have two, three, four computers (I have 5) then you can install iTunes only on one. All your playlists, ratings, songs will NOT be synchronised.
- when two users on the same computer both use iTunes, their libraries are not synchronisable. DOOM when your wife wants to listen to the same music as you - you have to keep each mp3 twice (creepy). NO I want to use the "let itunes manage my library" function and I don't want folders somewehre else.
- syncOtunes
- symlink your library files between users (creepy)
- Howto share Libraries - tutorial
- sharealike - tool to share between accounts on the same osx
leobard - 17. Sep, 12:04
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